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Eliminating VOC’s In The Manufacturing And Paint Coating Industry?

There are many chemical compounds currently in use across the globe. Different compounds have different qualities and the term volatility is often associated with the carbon based compounds called organic compounds, and a lot of organic compounds are volatile. These compounds include  hydro compounds, halo compounds, acids, alcohols, and esters. Mainly smaller compounds are volatile. However, nature also contains several inorganic molecules that are volatile.

Emission of VOC in furniture and paint coating

In the furniture industry, many organic compounds are utilised as solvents for polishing, painting,  in glues, etc. Besides that, solvent application is also utilised in paint and coating works and automotive paint booths in various workshops. But these solvents should be volatile. Otherwise, it will take a long time to dry.

While manufacturing those products, sometimes some of the harmful volatile materials are also used to decrease production costs. This can cause suffocation along with several health and environmental hazards. In this category, various nitrogen-containing compounds are also utilised. To eradicate the VOCs from industrial workshops.

How can you eliminate those low volatile VOCs?

The curation of filtration units or the adsorption media depends on the below parameters:

        Stability of the filter.

        Removal efficiency

        Disposability of the filter material that is used.

        Filter cost.


For VOC removing applications, we can also use activated carbon-based filters. It is because it shows features such as:

        High removal efficiency

        Least operator assistance

        Environmental friendliness.

        Economically viable and stable.

        Disposal friendly


It is also required to check how accurate the pore size of the filter is, as the adsorbed material might escape from the filters when pores are bigger than the solvent size. Coconut-activated carbon filters are the best choice over coal and wood-based carbon filters when it comes to air purification. . Withactivated carbon filters, disposal is not expensive and easy to handle. It can also be used as a fuel in several industries or utilised in metallurgy for metal extraction.

Why is activated carbon ideal for Air and Odour purification?

To enhance the adsorption effectiveness, activated carbons are infused with specific chemicals. It is most likely that some solvents possessing acidic or basic characters might escape the filter. For adsorbing such vapours, activated carbon is soaked with some of the transition metallic salts that help adsorb both acidic and basic vapours.

Moreover, it is also possible to infuse oxidising chemicals in the activated carbon, ensuring consistent oxidation of these volatile vapours. Aqoza has created several VOC removing activated carbons for several industries, which are highly effective in eliminating VOCs in addition to disposable friendly solutions.

Aqoza offers a wide range of adsorption media for controlling odour, controlling corrosion, and VOC recovery system.


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