Working in an industrial unit is not an easy job, you have to be on your toes all the time, be safe and look out for others safety as well, many times you are required in extreme conditions, from really low temperatures to extremely higher ones and with that more often than anticipated, you work in an environment where even breathing properly is a luxury because of the persistent pollutants and odour gases that are dispersed in the air at all times. These conditions not only affect the health of the employees but also slacken the overall productivity of the unit.
Having said The following are some pointers for you to control odour in your unit:
1. Action at source - After identifying the source of odour in your unit, needs tackle by extracting and removing these odorous gases by proper odour removal technologies. The selection of odour control technologies depends on gases emitting and removal efficiency required. This is an ideal way to make sure, no odour in the surroundings and area are safe for people and equipment.
2. Combustion – The odour causing substances generally consists of hydrocarbon which on complete combustion gives out odourless gases. So, if you’re by-product is a useless hydrocarbon of some sorts, it’s cheaper to burn it away. Make sure complete combustion is carried because incomplete combustion can produce even more odour causing substances that will only accentuate the problem instead of nullifying it.
3. Odour Masking – Masking the unpleasant odour with another aromatic, sweetening smelling substance is another common technique that is widely used. By introducing a stronger smell, the unpleasant smell is masked leading to an end to your odorization issue. This can be done using pressure atomization (sprayers) of such molecules into the air. This can be considered as an industrial equivalent of a room freshener. But even a pleasant scent can objectionable at a higher concentration so better care must be taken while selecting a fragrance.
These are some suggestions to put an
end to those offensive smells. You can check out the products of AQOZA Green
Technologies for odour control solutions.
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