Odours from wastewater cause irritation. The discharge of disagreeable odours is virulent for both plant workers and the public of surrounding areas. Even, if the emission is below the belt, it causes significant destruction to health, property and business reputation. How it can affect your health? These odours are situated within the vicinity of the wastewater treatment plant, but they tend to travel near & far. They drift into residential areas, public spaces, in all the quarters of the facility. Reasonably, nuisance odours become responsible for all the consequential health causalities. Where do odours come from? Odour the discharge could be noticeable in both outdoor & indoor scenarios – potent to destroy the air quality index. Odours producing by chemical industries, wastewater treatment plant, food & paper mills facilities, falls under the category of the outdoor source of causing health problems. Indoor routine activities such as cleaning, cooking, using the strong ...